Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Farting Guy

I decided to share this story today because of the astrological aspects that indicate a high level of hypersensitivity. I had just graduated from my first Lifestream class (warning: site plays music).

I was actually thinking how cool it was, how far I'd come, and a total stranger gets off a bus that I am getting onto. As he walks down the steps, he's making a face at me, and all of the old "He thinks I'm a fat, ugly, cow" programs crashed in on me. In the time it took for me to lift my foot off one step and put it down on the next, I must have shrunk three inches.

Then, as he passes me, he passes gas! He wasn't thinking about me at all. He was thinking "I gotta get off this bus before I let go of this massive fart!" ROFL! It was such a huge lesson, and it was so funny. Now I think about the farting guy whenever I find myself thinking I know what someone else is thinking about me. I may be sensitive, but I have to remind myself that my self-talk is often louder than my intuition.


Thomas Gazis said...

Don't you worry honey, this guy actually farted on his face.There is so much negativity and anger today in our youngsters souls, against their parents, society etc. I 've witnessed youngsters doing really nasty things to defenceless people just to release their negative energy...To a certain extent it's part of their process to become grown ups. But sometimes they go beyond the limits...You see, too much "Ego" in our societies and the youngsters actually seeking their "Ego" might become mean sometimes. This young guy did not actually insult you but somehow "stated" to you how much desperately he is trying to find his identity...

Brandi Jasmine said...

Actually I don't think he noticed me at all. The point was that I assumed he was thinking something mean about me - he really wasn't thinking about me at all ;-)

Anonymous said...

lol! amen to that story! you are so right, sometimes we think we know so well, but we are just making assumptions, it is just our ego telling us what it wants to believe